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culture & tourism in paris

by:Yufengling     2020-03-25
Paris is the capital of France.
Paris is also the capital of fashion, culture and art in the world.
Millions of tourists travel to Paris every year to explore the city\'s many cultural attractions.
They may enjoy Impressionist paintings at the Othello Museum, take part in dance performances by the Paris Opera Ballet, or take a walk on the historic city streets full of cafes that have been running for decades.
The city of Paris is a treasure trove for any art lover.
There are many art museums in Paris.
The largest art museum in Paris (
One of the largest museums in the world)is the Louvre.
The Louvre is located in the first district of central Paris, which is the city of Paris. it is only one block away from the Seine River.
Visitors enter the museum through several entrances.
The most famous entrance is the glass pyramid designed by architect I. M. Pei.
The museum is divided into three parts.
Dirty, richerous and Denon wings.
There are also two Paris art museums nearby, the Orangerie Museum and the Orsay Museum.
Orangerie Hotel is located in the corner of Tuileries Yihe hotel.
The museum exhibits Monet\'s famous water lily paintings and works by other impressionist painters.
The Olympic Museum is located at a former railway terminal.
Visitors will find that there are five-story buildings, mainly in the 19 th century art, sculpture and photos.
There are also several museums of modern art in Paris.
The Pompidou Center displays the works of Alexander Calder and other exhibitions of contemporary art.
There\'s a fifth.
Restaurant on the first floor and a children\'s discovery area.
Visit the Branley Museum and enjoy art from America, Africa and Australia.
The Eiffel Tower is only a short walk away.
The Paris Opera House is a world.
The famous art stage.
The famous artist Marc Chagall painted the ceiling, the location of the Paris Opera Ballet and the Paris Opera House.
The ballet was founded by a French king in the 17 th century.
The Paris Opera Ballet performed an important choreographer from tarlioni to Bejart.
Opera was created in the late 19 th century.
The Paris Museum Pass is open for two to six days.
For a fee, visitors can visit more than 60 museums and other attractions around Paris.
Among them are Mary Antoinette, who was held in San Chapel and the concierge prison before being executed.
The pass can be purchased using a credit card in many different Paris areas or online in advance.
Life in Paris is often centered on drinking coffee and watching other people\'s time.
While drinking coffee, writers and artists are eating bitter chocolate, thinking about great works of art.
Visit Les Deux Margot, where Ernest Hemingway finds inspiration for his masterpiece.
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