man given two weeks to live after taking popular weight-loss product purchased online
A Western Australian man tells how he lost his liver after his popular weight --
Loss products widely used in protein powder and supplements.
Matthew Whitby, who is two weeks away from death, needs an emergency liver transplant after taking a protein powder containing green tea extract and a supplement to the yellow vine
Tropical fruit for weight
Supplementary loss.
Green tea extract is a concentrated form of popular tea due to its so-called weight loss performance and resistanceOxidation.
But in some susceptible individuals, doctors say it causes liver failure even in a medium dose, which is reported to be linked to dozens of cases of liver failure around the world.
There are also cases of liver injury associated with Fujimoto.
After taking protein powder and supplements containing extracts, Mr. Whitby was so close to death that he had to accept the liver donated by hepatitis B.
The young father will have to take a lot of medicine for the rest of his life and warn others loudly.
\"I think what you can\'t buy online or at the counter is hurting me,\" he said . \".
\"They didn\'t say \'could lead to liver failure \'.
\"Taxpayers will have to pay about $150,000 for Whitby\'s liver transplant, however Australian products containing green tea extracts are generally not warned.
And, because green tea is technically a food, it\'s usually in the regulatory field.
Products that make treatment claims, such as rattan yellow supplements, are regulated by the administration of therapeutic goods (TGA).
However, in products such as protein powder, they are usually regulated through food standards in Australia and New Zealand and enforced by the national health authorities.
The TGA said it was investigating the case as part of a broader review, \"If there is sufficient evidence of security issues that warrant further action, the findings will be published \".
Whitby\'s doctor says green tea extract is likely to be the culprit for his liver failure, but he says it\'s hard to make a clear call due to the many ingredients in supplements and powders.
The case has been recorded in the Australian Journal of Medicine.
Experts say it is still safe for consumers to drink the right amount of green tea, and the concentrated form of tea is more likely to have problems.
Dr. Whitby, a doctor at Sir Charles gaeldner hospital in Perth, said that they are 27-year-old.
Professor Gary Jeffrey, a liver expert who works at the Western Australian liver transplant center, said doctors have seen more damage they think herbal and herbal extracts do to the liver.
\"During this year, we will have one or two people with liver failure because of herbs,\" he said . \".
\"It will be the most serious form we have ever seen.
Most of the other cases we see are resolved spontaneously.
\"While the issue of the warning depends on the regulator, Professor Jeffreys says he personally wants to see a product specification that lists the benefits and risks of the supplements.
\"People with normal liver function will have liver problems because of the toxicity of herbal extract,\" he said . \".
\"There are already some countries in the world that have removed weight loss drugs from the market because of an increase in liver damage rates.
TGA said that one of the products that Mr Whitby consumed was a protein powder called HydroxyBurn Elite provided by BSc.
It is not illegal to supply products containing green tea extract, which is an ingredient approved for sale in Australia.
There is no such product on the market.
Experts believe that liver failure associated with green tea extract may be due to the fact that the chechin is a potentially beneficial element, especially a seed
A group of teas called tea.
\"The exact mechanism of the green tea extract on the liver is actually not clear yet, but the worst part is that it causes the liver to die,\" Professor Jeffrey said . \".
Professor Ric Day, a clinical pharmacologist at St. Vincent\'s Hospital, said cases like Mr. Whitby were called \"special\" reactions and that almost any drug could happen.
\"This is very rare and it seems that some people are particularly sensitive,\" he said . \".
\"So overall, this is unfortunate, but the protection is to make sure you have a reliable source of medication, that you take no more than the one you should take, and that you follow the instructions
\"A universal principle may be better, but it may be more toxic for those who are more sensitive.
\"In a statement, the company said it was not aware of the case and the TGA did not inform them of the adverse events.
\"For 14 years, we have been producing protein powder with herbal extract added, and we have not been notified of any adverse events,\" the statement said . \".
\"This person also took a special supplement for the yellow cane fruit, which is not our product.
Based on the good tolerance of our product line for 14 years, we will not reconsider the use of green tea extract.
\"Mr. Whitby took the Garcia cambonia supplement from a website with the office address in Australia in its contact form.
Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit that has gained worldwide popularity after being disputed by celebrity television doctor Dr. Oz.
It was implicated in some cases of liver damage around the world, two liver-
But experts say there is less evidence of potential risks in Australia.
Australian Steve Skaf
The director of regulatory and scientific affairs of the pharmaceutical industry said consumer safety was \"critical\" and that the industry took adverse event reports seriously.
He said there is a world in Australia.
Adjust the class system of supplementary drugs.
\"There have been a lot of comments on green tea extract and the conclusion is that this is a low
\"At the risk of herbs,\" he said . \"
\"There are procedures to review the safety of ingredients and products.
A spokeswoman for the TGA said that the protein powder was not included in the registration list of treatment products, and some exercise supplements were prescribed as food instead of treatment products.
\"The TGA is continuing to investigate the reports it received about BSC protein powder and liver failure, as part of a larger survey of the problem, she said: \"Note that the TGA has not received any other reports of liver failure with this product. \".
\"If there is sufficient evidence of security issues that warrant further action, the results will be published. \"Topics:diet-and-
Nutrition, sportsand-fitness,perth-
Loss products widely used in protein powder and supplements.
Matthew Whitby, who is two weeks away from death, needs an emergency liver transplant after taking a protein powder containing green tea extract and a supplement to the yellow vine
Tropical fruit for weight
Supplementary loss.
Green tea extract is a concentrated form of popular tea due to its so-called weight loss performance and resistanceOxidation.
But in some susceptible individuals, doctors say it causes liver failure even in a medium dose, which is reported to be linked to dozens of cases of liver failure around the world.
There are also cases of liver injury associated with Fujimoto.
After taking protein powder and supplements containing extracts, Mr. Whitby was so close to death that he had to accept the liver donated by hepatitis B.
The young father will have to take a lot of medicine for the rest of his life and warn others loudly.
\"I think what you can\'t buy online or at the counter is hurting me,\" he said . \".
\"They didn\'t say \'could lead to liver failure \'.
\"Taxpayers will have to pay about $150,000 for Whitby\'s liver transplant, however Australian products containing green tea extracts are generally not warned.
And, because green tea is technically a food, it\'s usually in the regulatory field.
Products that make treatment claims, such as rattan yellow supplements, are regulated by the administration of therapeutic goods (TGA).
However, in products such as protein powder, they are usually regulated through food standards in Australia and New Zealand and enforced by the national health authorities.
The TGA said it was investigating the case as part of a broader review, \"If there is sufficient evidence of security issues that warrant further action, the findings will be published \".
Whitby\'s doctor says green tea extract is likely to be the culprit for his liver failure, but he says it\'s hard to make a clear call due to the many ingredients in supplements and powders.
The case has been recorded in the Australian Journal of Medicine.
Experts say it is still safe for consumers to drink the right amount of green tea, and the concentrated form of tea is more likely to have problems.
Dr. Whitby, a doctor at Sir Charles gaeldner hospital in Perth, said that they are 27-year-old.
Professor Gary Jeffrey, a liver expert who works at the Western Australian liver transplant center, said doctors have seen more damage they think herbal and herbal extracts do to the liver.
\"During this year, we will have one or two people with liver failure because of herbs,\" he said . \".
\"It will be the most serious form we have ever seen.
Most of the other cases we see are resolved spontaneously.
\"While the issue of the warning depends on the regulator, Professor Jeffreys says he personally wants to see a product specification that lists the benefits and risks of the supplements.
\"People with normal liver function will have liver problems because of the toxicity of herbal extract,\" he said . \".
\"There are already some countries in the world that have removed weight loss drugs from the market because of an increase in liver damage rates.
TGA said that one of the products that Mr Whitby consumed was a protein powder called HydroxyBurn Elite provided by BSc.
It is not illegal to supply products containing green tea extract, which is an ingredient approved for sale in Australia.
There is no such product on the market.
Experts believe that liver failure associated with green tea extract may be due to the fact that the chechin is a potentially beneficial element, especially a seed
A group of teas called tea.
\"The exact mechanism of the green tea extract on the liver is actually not clear yet, but the worst part is that it causes the liver to die,\" Professor Jeffrey said . \".
Professor Ric Day, a clinical pharmacologist at St. Vincent\'s Hospital, said cases like Mr. Whitby were called \"special\" reactions and that almost any drug could happen.
\"This is very rare and it seems that some people are particularly sensitive,\" he said . \".
\"So overall, this is unfortunate, but the protection is to make sure you have a reliable source of medication, that you take no more than the one you should take, and that you follow the instructions
\"A universal principle may be better, but it may be more toxic for those who are more sensitive.
\"In a statement, the company said it was not aware of the case and the TGA did not inform them of the adverse events.
\"For 14 years, we have been producing protein powder with herbal extract added, and we have not been notified of any adverse events,\" the statement said . \".
\"This person also took a special supplement for the yellow cane fruit, which is not our product.
Based on the good tolerance of our product line for 14 years, we will not reconsider the use of green tea extract.
\"Mr. Whitby took the Garcia cambonia supplement from a website with the office address in Australia in its contact form.
Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit that has gained worldwide popularity after being disputed by celebrity television doctor Dr. Oz.
It was implicated in some cases of liver damage around the world, two liver-
But experts say there is less evidence of potential risks in Australia.
Australian Steve Skaf
The director of regulatory and scientific affairs of the pharmaceutical industry said consumer safety was \"critical\" and that the industry took adverse event reports seriously.
He said there is a world in Australia.
Adjust the class system of supplementary drugs.
\"There have been a lot of comments on green tea extract and the conclusion is that this is a low
\"At the risk of herbs,\" he said . \"
\"There are procedures to review the safety of ingredients and products.
A spokeswoman for the TGA said that the protein powder was not included in the registration list of treatment products, and some exercise supplements were prescribed as food instead of treatment products.
\"The TGA is continuing to investigate the reports it received about BSC protein powder and liver failure, as part of a larger survey of the problem, she said: \"Note that the TGA has not received any other reports of liver failure with this product. \".
\"If there is sufficient evidence of security issues that warrant further action, the results will be published. \"Topics:diet-and-
Nutrition, sportsand-fitness,perth-