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Sore boobs, morning sickness and stretch marks - 35 changes to your body during pregnancy | Adelaide Now -g-icon-error cloudy-day nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_rig

by:Yufengling     2019-09-06
Humorously looked at the embarrassing things 35 women experienced during pregnancy, but preferred not to talk about it!
Pregnancy-being a mom-it\'s so wonderful, life-
Change the experiences that most women don\'t even exchange with the most fascinating way of life.
This is also because, although mothers may be miraculous and happy, there is certainly nothing particularly fascinating about the physical problems that some of us have experienced along the way.
Usually, the first sign of your pregnancy is greater breasts, tender or pain.
This can go from being obviously more uncomfortable: \"Don\'t even want to touch them!
\"Your breasts also tend to stay in a larger size than normal, so start searching for cute maternity dresses that are bigger than your grandma\'s now.
Looking forward to a child like pre-
Menstrual stress caused by steroids
When the pregnancy hormones fill your system, you may cry because of the picture of the missing cat trapped on the lamp
Post crying because you broke your favorite teacup.
Don\'t worry if you feel messy and irrational-you are.
Some women don\'t vomit in the morning (it\'s too unfair!
) While others, despite the use of remedies, found themselves vomiting 24/7.
Most of the time, though, you can expect to feel uncomfortable at any time (a 3-
It just stops without obvious reasons.
These are swelling of the leg or vulvar veins due to pregnancy and the extra weight and pressure of certain hormones.
They are painful and very unattractive.
It can be helpful to lift your legs and sit, support the stockings, and the advice of the GP.
Not all women shine during pregnancy;
Some people have acne, rash and marks or discoloration on their faces, necks and breasts.
Don\'t panic if you encounter this-everything will be fine after the baby is born.
Ankle, finger and facial swelling are signs of excessive body moisture.
Even worse when the weather is hot, it helps to avoid salt (sodium), sugar and drink a lot of water.
Always have a health specialist check it out and sometimes feel like the baby is making a trampoline with your bladder.
Don\'t be shocked if you don\'t go to the toilet on time, especially in the last three months-even if you sprint 20 times an hour!
You may not like it, but drink a lot of wine and do a pot bottom exercise!
Even if you have never been blocked before, difficulty in stool during pregnancy is common, especially if you are taking iron supplements.
The secret is to increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, fiber and water until things return to normal.
Heartburn and indigestion are really a pain.
When the baby gets bigger and your organs are crushed, you will feel uncomfortable after eating.
More time, smaller meals will help.
There are also some natural remedies, such as mint and chrysanthemum.
Not just the cover-up of chocolate addiction, the desire for food is strange and unusual, even strange things like coal and sand.
Scientists don\'t know why pregnant women want to, but if it doesn\'t hurt you, indulge-you deserve it.
These are red lines, usually on your abdomen, thighs, and breasts, due to the fact that your body expands to an unimaginable large size in a very short period of time.
Some skin types are more prone to appear.
There is no 100 reliable way to prevent it, but cream and diet may help.
They do fade a lot over time.
Whether you feel more or less sexy (pregnancy is normal), you have to change your love life and make room for the big bumps and bodies that change shape every day.
Find something useful to you and enjoy it.
It may be the last time you have sex without interruption until your child goes to high school.
When you shake in the street, it\'s hard to feel gorgeous and beautiful about yourself, twice your normal figure, and your salary is cut while you are on maternity leave
Remember, you are growing into a unique person-nothing more special than that.
If you have a crisis, you can consult.
You are reminded of what a great job you are doing.
These are powerful waves of the stomach, thighs, back and legs you feel when your uterus is trying to roll out your child.
It\'s called Labor, because it\'s hard and it\'s work!
Intensity and frequency change with the progress of labor, but basically Imagine your worst situation --
Pain forever, then multiply it by thousands, and let it last 24 hours without interruption.
(Yes, it can hurt a lot, but the end result is spectacular.
) Thankfully, there are a variety of pain relief options-everything from the delivery pool to the epidurals.
Learn what your options are and write a birth plan-remember to be flexible on the day.
Vomiting is common during labor, especially during transition.
Drinking some mints or ice and a small amount of water or energy drinks can really help with nausea and prevent dehydration.
This is a natural response to the level of pain, trauma and shock your body is experiencing.
Labor is one of the most intense physical challenges you\'ll be experiencing-not to mention the overwhelming emotions that your child brings with it.
So don\'t be surprised if you feel very unstable.
A warm blanket or bathtub can help.
The least friendly one!
At the end of the delivery, when your child is pushed out, you may tear the vagina or pussy.
Alternatively, your midwife or obstetrician can cut the area with scissors (genital incision) to prevent you from tearing and make delivery easier.
If you do not want to do a genital incision, tell your midwife and read the practice of stretching the genital area before surgerylabour.
Many women are afraid to pee or poop.
In the course of labor, it appears unexpectedly in front of others, but it does happen.
After all, the pressure on your bladder and rectum is very high.
The good news is that the medical staff are used to it-you will be busy and may not even notice it.
If you feel your parts are hit by a truck, then you may have just had a baby. Warm salt-
Bathing, comfortable loose gym clothes for women and pain relief can make a big difference.
It gets better-be honest!
This has to happen at some point-but it can be a bit of torture when your pussy feels like it\'s worn out with sandpaper and your bottom is swollen and tender.
Avoid constipation, drink plenty of water, as simple as possible.
Bleeding lasts an average of 4 to 6 weeks after birth, but can take longer or less.
A lot of bleeding, clots, or smelly secretions are all signs that you need to slow down and talk to a midwife or nurse.
These are painful contractions during breastfeeding and are caused by hormones that cause milk to drop.
This is stimulated by the baby sucking.
The second or subsequent delivery is more severe and they feel like mild contractions that can last for a few days before delivery.
It\'s a bit disappointing to find that you still have a huge belly after your baby is born!
If you can\'t wear jeans the next day, welcome to the real world of women.
Losing weight can take a year, so take your time and set realistic goals.
Eat well and exercise well.
Being deprived as a new mom or dad can be one of the hardest parts.
You might want to know how you used to sleep so long.
If you are too tired, you are always in a low mood and ask for help.
When your milk enters around the third day after birth, you may wake up to find your breasts hot, hard, and bigger than Baywatch babe.
Feed, Express, warm shower and cool cabbage leaves in the bra (really!
) Will soothe and soften them. Milk-
If your baby cries, is late to feed, or your breasts are particularly plump, the filled breasts may leak at night or even during the day.
Express, use the breast pad, use the washing machine to become the best friend.
On or about the third day after your delivery, your body begins to discharge the pregnancy hormones it has accumulated and drown your system with breastfeeding hormones.
Result: a new excited mother.
Put in some fatigue, physical discomfort, feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of a new human being, and you will feel that your world is collapsing.
Many TLC and guarantees are helpful.
The baby\'s sucking will really rub sensitive nipples and let them bubble and break.
There are many treatments including nipple shields and creams.
Find something useful to you
This is when the breast tube in the breast is blocked and then infected.
This is usually a sign that you are doing too much and need a break.
Symptoms include fever, red areas of the breast, very tender breasts and nipples.
Treatment includes rest, plenty of fluid, continued breastfeeding, and occasional antibiotics.
Forgive pun, but there are no hard rules for getting close after delivery.
Health professionals are advised to wait until about 6
A week post-natal check to make sure everything is going well, but it really depends on you.
The secret is to take things slowly and gently and let desire lead the way.
It\'s also helpful to have a few drinks!
Some claim that all women\'s bodies change during pregnancy and after birth.
If you feel that this experience has some negative effects, such as painful scars, hemorrhoids, or uncomfortable sex, be sure to see a doctor.
These help to restore your vaginal muscles to health and help prevent incontinence, a common postpartum disease
The effect of Labor.
Ask your midwife for guidance and learn how to squeeze the tone back into your pelvic region.
It may be a bit surprising in the absence of a year.
Normally, women start their period 3-6 months after the baby is born, but it can be longer if you breastfeed.
Remember, you can get pregnant even if your period hasn\'t come back, so check out your contraceptive regimen.
Even if you run a multinational company or head of a small country, becoming a mother can be a big shock.
So if you still find yourself in your pajamas and don\'t have a shower or breakfast at five o\'clock P. M. just know you\'re not alone.
Mother is a life-long learning curve. it takes several months to master basic knowledge.
Relax, relax and enjoy your time with your newborn.
One day you will be at the top of the laundry room.
This is a daunting list.
Interestingly, there are so many women who have decided to do it all again . . . . . . Do it a few times sometimes!
This shows that despite the nasty side --
Influence, the experience of being a mother is more valuable than anything else in the world.
It\'s not a secret!
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