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suits you: cara delevinge works revealing velvet tuxedo at opening of new york topshop

by:Yufengling     2020-03-22
When Cara Delevingne attended the Topshop opening ceremony on Fifth Avenue in New York yesterday, it looked like she had forgotten her bra. The 22-year-
The old model is working on a blue velvet double-body suit at Topshop, and when she snugs up in front of host Max Irons, she works with a white Nike high-gang top.
Kara poses many of her iconic funny faces to entertain the crowd by taking selfies and talking to fans.
Alec Baldwin\'s daughter, Haley Baldwin, and Sir Philip Green, boss of Topshop, also attended the meeting, where he enjoyed the launch of the brand\'s second largest flagship store in the world.
Prior to yesterday\'s press conference, Kara had a pleasant evening with Jessie J and Beyonce.
Topshop\'s model took a series of photos on Instagram that looked like she had arrested two police officers with my party singer Jessie.
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