\'we have heard you\': dick\'s sporting goods stops selling assault rifles in all its stores and will no longer sell guns to anyone under 21 after school shooter nikolas cruz bought one of his weapons there
Dick\'s Sporting Goods will stop selling immediately.
After the school massacre in Parkland, Florida, it has stylish rifles in its stores and will not sell guns to anyone under the age of 21.
In an open letter posted on its website on Wednesday, the chain\'s CEO, Edward Stack, said it was time for the country to take more steps to end the violence.
He acknowledged that the paklan massacre killed 17 people and praised the student protesters who have been calling for gun reform since then: \"We heard your voice.
I heard it all over the country.
Gunners Nicola Cruz bought a weapon at the Dick shop.
Not that AR-
He used weapons in the killing, but Stack said he shouldn\'t have bought any weapons in the first place.
Rolling down all the rules and laws of video\' Following, the shooter who sold a shot of park green space in November 20.
He is not using the gun in the shooting, nor is it the type of gun.
But it may be.
\"It is clear that this shows at many levels that the existing system is not able to effectively protect our children and citizens.
We believe it\'s time to act on this and we will not sell offensive weapons any more
A style rifle, also known as a modern sport rifle.
We have removed them from all of Dick\'s stores after the Sandy Hook massacre, but we will now remove them in all 35 Field & Stream stores.
\"We will no longer sell guns to people under the age of 21.
The store will also stop selling high-volume magazines and call on Congress to ban assault rifles together.
Later, Stack appeared on Good Morning America to explain the decision.
Stack said Gunners Nickolas Cruz purchased a gun at Dick\'s store, but not the one used at school shooting, although all existing rules were followed.
Stack said that the existing system will not stop selling products to dangerous people, and lawmakers must take measures.
When we look at what\'s going on in the park, we feel very upset and sad about what\'s going on.
\"We think we really need to do something,\" he said . \"
\"We decided not to sell these offensive weapons anymore or anything else we talked about.
He bought a shotgun from us in November.
This is not the type of gun or gun he used in shooting, but when this happens, we are aware of the system-
We decided everything through this book. [meant that he]
Bought a gun.
When we saw that, he said, we said that the fully implemented system was not enough to prevent us from selling guns to such people.
Dick took assault rifles from Dick\'s Sporting Goods store after Sandy Hook, but they are still available in their 35 field and water shops.
\"We want others to work with us to let our children know that their requests are being taken seriously.
It will be said that these measures do not guarantee that tragedies like parkland will never happen again.
They may be right, but it is worth it if common sense reform is implemented to save even one life.
We are convinced that the most precious gift in this country is our children.
They are our future.
\"We have to keep them safe,\" Stack said at the end of his statement . \".
After the school massacre in Parkland, Florida, it has stylish rifles in its stores and will not sell guns to anyone under the age of 21.
In an open letter posted on its website on Wednesday, the chain\'s CEO, Edward Stack, said it was time for the country to take more steps to end the violence.
He acknowledged that the paklan massacre killed 17 people and praised the student protesters who have been calling for gun reform since then: \"We heard your voice.
I heard it all over the country.
Gunners Nicola Cruz bought a weapon at the Dick shop.
Not that AR-
He used weapons in the killing, but Stack said he shouldn\'t have bought any weapons in the first place.
Rolling down all the rules and laws of video\' Following, the shooter who sold a shot of park green space in November 20.
He is not using the gun in the shooting, nor is it the type of gun.
But it may be.
\"It is clear that this shows at many levels that the existing system is not able to effectively protect our children and citizens.
We believe it\'s time to act on this and we will not sell offensive weapons any more
A style rifle, also known as a modern sport rifle.
We have removed them from all of Dick\'s stores after the Sandy Hook massacre, but we will now remove them in all 35 Field & Stream stores.
\"We will no longer sell guns to people under the age of 21.
The store will also stop selling high-volume magazines and call on Congress to ban assault rifles together.
Later, Stack appeared on Good Morning America to explain the decision.
Stack said Gunners Nickolas Cruz purchased a gun at Dick\'s store, but not the one used at school shooting, although all existing rules were followed.
Stack said that the existing system will not stop selling products to dangerous people, and lawmakers must take measures.
When we look at what\'s going on in the park, we feel very upset and sad about what\'s going on.
\"We think we really need to do something,\" he said . \"
\"We decided not to sell these offensive weapons anymore or anything else we talked about.
He bought a shotgun from us in November.
This is not the type of gun or gun he used in shooting, but when this happens, we are aware of the system-
We decided everything through this book. [meant that he]
Bought a gun.
When we saw that, he said, we said that the fully implemented system was not enough to prevent us from selling guns to such people.
Dick took assault rifles from Dick\'s Sporting Goods store after Sandy Hook, but they are still available in their 35 field and water shops.
\"We want others to work with us to let our children know that their requests are being taken seriously.
It will be said that these measures do not guarantee that tragedies like parkland will never happen again.
They may be right, but it is worth it if common sense reform is implemented to save even one life.
We are convinced that the most precious gift in this country is our children.
They are our future.
\"We have to keep them safe,\" Stack said at the end of his statement . \".