The trend is beautiful and refreshing.

why are moms dressing like their teen daughters?

by:Yufengling     2020-06-17
When Raquel Oldman, 43, pick up one
Hollister\'s large vest when shopping with heryear-
Old daughter Olivia says she doesn\'t want to imitate her daughter\'s style. The solid-
The color vest is the size of Alderman and there is no visible Hollister brand, so she says she thinks it doesn\'t hurt to buy it for herself.
But not Olivia.
\"Mom, you\'re not shopping in Hollister!
Olivia remembers to say to her mother.
\"Mom is not shopping in Hollister.
You are too old for this shop.
I can\'t believe you\'re shopping here.
Olivia says she doesn\'t want Hollister\'s staff to think her mom bought it for herself ---
She wants to avoid any possible humiliation. -
So the teenager took it to the cashier and took the bag out of the store.
She told aldman that she was a \"PTA mom\" and wondered why she was trying to \"relive her teenage years \".
Alderman explains in shock that she likes the top of the tank and she likes it ---that was it.
But Olivia said that\'s not what she bought. -
In fact, her mother is shopping in the \"her\" store.
Alderman published an article about the shopping experience of raising teenagers, a blog maintained by close friend Cindy Goodman.
At the end of her post, Oldman raised a question that many mothers of teenage daughters would ask themselves: \"We are trying to feel or look younger by wearing clothes, or is it just that our teenagers are embarrassed that their mom is shopping in the store?
According to a new study released by Temple University, mothers are becoming \"consumer agents\" for their children, shopping in teen stores to mimic their teenage daughters.
The study began to see if the daughters tried to imitate their mothers, after asking 343 mothers --
Professor Ayala Ruvio and her team found that the opposite is true.
The mothers were 44 years old on average, and their 16-year-old daughters were asked about their shopping habits.
The phenomenon that has emerged over the past five years is the last thing teenage daughters want to see.
\"They are at a stage where they just want to show how independent they are and how they can build their own unique image of being independent and don\'t look like their mother,\" Ruvio said . \".
Then my mother went out to make a copy.
She said: \"But the mother is not dressed as a teenager like her daughter.
Cognitive age is more important than actual age. -
Women feel younger, according to Ruvio, so they want to show this personality in their own outfits.
According to Ruvio, another motivation behind this behavior is that there is no time to keep up with the fashion trend of the mother.
Instead, they use their daughter as a model for fashion and imitate their style.
\"One of the main values we live in is a society that looks younger,\" Ruvio said . \".
\"Most of these women have children, work, they don\'t have time to monitor the market, and they don\'t have time to see what\'s cool and trendy, so they basically take a shortcut.
Through their teenage daughter, they know they are safe. \"Roni Cohen-
Sandler, a psychologist who specializes in mothers.
Daughter relations warn of this phenomenon and its potential impact on the development of adolescents.
She says she thinks it inspires a sense of competition that should be a supportive relationship.
\"This gives teenage girls an unfortunate message about how their mom feels about herself, her age and her own insecurity about the appearance,\" she said . \".
\"This is a message that I am very concerned about: this is a young man --
Worship philosophy and suggest that mom is uncomfortable with getting older.
Christina McMenemy, the mother of two young children, has struggled with age. appropriate-
Fashion issues
35-after losing 80 pounds-year-
Old said she wanted to show off her achievements, not wearing a mini skirt or a tight shirt, but a crumpled shirt.
Mcmenemi went to Cole and accidentally walked into the junior division after monitoring her favorite top.
Mcmenemi said a woman in her 20 s gave her a hateful look.
\"I don\'t think I should be banned from being fashionable and looking just because I\'m 30.
\"Mom,\" said mcmenemi.
\"I don\'t see any age limit on the label.
Now that I have lost weight, I really like to find beautiful gym clothes for women because it reminds me to appreciate my body and all the work I put in at this point.
She said she believes society puts mothers at a crossroads.
You can be a kind, rude mom who cares more about a child than the clothes she should wear, or a more fashionable mom, so it must be more like her needs than her child.
But mcmenemi says she doesn\'t want to wear it in her teens. -
She wants to feel good about her appearance and what to wear makes her happy.
According to Tina Adams, who owns Wardrobe Consulting and Signature Services Limited, there is a difference between looking good and looking \"cute.
She advised her mother and daughter on their wardrobes and how to wear clothes suitable for their age.
The biggest conflict Adams has had is telling women that they can look great if they don\'t dress like a teenager.
\"We tried to tell them, \'Do you really want to look cute? \'\' \" Adams said.
\"It makes your teenage daughter look cute, but you want to look delicate and elegant.
\"In order to achieve this, Adams suggested skipping the low of The juni\'s division
Go up jeans and find a nice pair of mid-waist bootscut jeans (
Read: not \"mom jeans \").
Also, one piece with cinched-in waist, V-
A neck shirt or pencil skirt is a key part of a delicate wardrobe that showcases mature and feminine temperament.
Shopping in juni\'s department often leads to illness
Fit because of different sizes. Cohen-
Psychologist Sandler has heard from many of her clients that what a teenage daughter likes to hear most is \"Can you help me find some clothes to wear ? \"?
\"They don\'t want their mother to be out of style, but they don\'t want to wear like twins,\" she said.
Jennifer Gray and her daughter, shawnesie Zhou.
The 18-year-old Domos co-owns a boutique in Vancouver, Columbia, England called Jennifer love. . . .
Their stores cater to a variety of women from 13 to 70.
Both mothers and daughters can find trends they like because of gray and Zhou
Domos buys their favorite items for the store.
The two also shared clothes, including leather jackets and designers who found them borrowing clothes from each other.
But both acknowledge their age differences and say they know what they can share and what they should avoid.
Everyone has their own style.
Shopping together is still one of their favorite activities, they say, and they don\'t just take care of themselves.
\"I don\'t think I \'ve ever seen people like me who can shop, except shawnesi,\" Gray said . \".
\"We are the perfect shopping partner.
When we shop for ourselves, we walk into a shop and get a stack of clothes for each other.
\"This is the mother --
Bond, Cohen\'s daughter.
Sandler says her concerns will disappear if consumer behavior continues.
Girls in their teens believe that \"their\" stores have ownership;
Shopping at the age of 14 at Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch is like a member of an exclusive club who doesn\'t want mom shopping there.
\"Over the years, teenagers have lost the feedback and sources of information they really need to rely on,\" Cohen-Sandler said.
\"What mothers have to understand is that it\'s not just a tank top ---
It\'s a symbol of many different things: the role of the mother and daughter, respect the boundaries of the teen and adult world, know when you shop or what clothes to wear, this will have an impact on your daughter, daughter and peers and your relationship.
\"But for mcmenney, use 6-year-
The old daughter, this study and her experience, completely raised a point of view.
When mothers put themselves behind their children and husbands, how is wearing the crime they want?
\"There are so many fashion stories that women feel sad about themselves.
Why is it so wrong to see something stylish and just want to wear it if you look good? \" she asked.
However, regardless of their position, every woman interviewed said the same thing ---
When women are themselves, they look the best.
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