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dick\'s sporting goods to end sales of assault-style guns

by:Yufengling     2020-04-14
Sports goods company of US retailer Dick announced Wednesday it will stop selling
After the Florida school shootings, fashion rifles and bar guns were sold to any customer under the age of 21.
Earlier this month, in a strong protest against the deadly shooting at Parkland High School that killed 17 people, including victims of 14 children, Dick called on politicians to implement \"common sense gun reform \".
Nicolas Cruz with AR15 semi-
The automatic rifle in the shooting, the same weapon used by many other mass shooters in the United States, also bought another weapon from Dick a few months before the February 14 incident.
Edward Stack, Dick\'s chief executive, said, \"We have to help solve the problems that lie ahead of us.
\"Gun violence is an epidemic that takes the lives of too many people, including the brightest hope for America\'s future ---
\"Our children,\" he said.
This move is the latest example of the company\'s rebound in the gun industry after the recent tragedy, with many companies cutting off ties with the National Rifle Association, a powerful gun lobby organization, put pressure on American politicians to stop any action to limit gun ownership.
Stack said Dick remains a supporter of gun rights, \"We recognize and appreciate that the vast majority of gun owners in this country are responsible, the law --
Law-abiding citizens.
The chain has stopped selling \"assault-
After the Sandy Hook school massacre in 2012, the \"style rifle\" in the Dick shop has been on sale in its fields and Stream stores until now.
The company also plans to end sales of high-volume magazines.
Stack acknowledged that the company was the source of another weapon purchased by Cruz.
\"All the rules and laws below, the shooter who sold a shot of park green space in November 20.
He is not using the gun in the shooting, nor is it the type of gun.
But it\'s also possible, \"said Stack.
\"It is clear that this shows at many levels that the existing system is ineffective in protecting our children and citizens.
\"Since the Florida tragedy, student survivors have mobilized to demand action from government officials to create a wave of public support on social and traditional media, unlike other mass shootings in the United States.
\"We respect and admire students who organize and express their voices about gun violence in our national schools and elsewhere,\" Stack said . \".
\"We heard it.
People all over the country heard it.
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