The trend is beautiful and refreshing.

Fashion statements from Indian Wells

by:Yufengling     2019-09-07
La robe est de RETOUROpen Court is digging into this new \"costume\" trend on women\'s tours.
Top players like Anna Ivanovich and Jelena Jankovic, and of course Sharapova, have been around for a while.
However, several lovely new numbers have appeared in Wales, India.
Behind the hand of doom is a new Fila dress with many lovely factors (
Although she may have to reconsider her custom sports bra).
A huge 6-Knapp
Footer, entered the final earlier this year against Justin Henning in Antwerp.
She also went out with Italy\'s Spice Girl Andreas Sepi, at least in the game she showed up on the sidelines.
She\'s not happy here, but that\'s it.
If you can\'t do the best, you can at least do the best. dressed.
The Russians are wearing another lovely dress.
Voskobaeva is another 6-footer (
But she\'s stiff, not like Knapp, she\'s stiff).
This red number, which is unknown in source, is a beautiful number.
Finally, a FILA clothing company that doesn\'t like KUZZYWe will admit that Svetlana Kuznetsova in Russia may be a woman who has a hard time wearing gym clothes for women.
She has those huge and strong legs that symbolize the number of tops
The man riding a bicycle in her house.
She\'s not the kind of person who looks good at anything.
Her sponsor Fila hasn\'t come up with a lot of good things lately (
Despite the dress on Knapp above, hopefully marked to move in the right direction).
The black deal signed in Dubai a few weeks ago didn\'t work (
Neither is the red one).
The new suit she just launched is the best she has worn for a while.
Navy blue and lavender appear to be a trend this spring (
Have similar themes but better).
In the next few days, the Open Court will test drive the outfit one by one because we know you are all waiting anxiously for review (
, The price is quite reasonable, which may say something about the quality of the Fila process as they are actually made in Italy).
Band headband 1, BANDANNA 0.
Like James Black (left)
Carlos Moya (right)
Before meeting in court in Wells, India on Tuesday, they met in the locker room and said, \"Well, we\'re going to confuse everyone, especially those who watch on TV wearing exactly the same gym clothes for women
\"Except, so that we don\'t confuse our family, I will wear a headband (
Because I look stupid in the band.
You got your headscarf on. okay, James. Perfecto.
Of course, this is a charming blue color.
We call it \"the Spice Girl costume of the day \".
\"But the headband beat the band on this day.
Nike is excited. hrilled.
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