This building is a \"full spectrum\" dimmable LED light fixture designed for the hybrid reef 40 breeder aquarium. This device can help achieve different wavelengths for various coral uses. This note will not detail the different types of coral reef lighting, nor will it detail the benefits of full spectrum lighting, as there is already a lot of information on the internet to discuss these topics. Purely a guide to architecture. Fan is not required for this fixture; So it\'s completely quiet. This fixture can be controlled manually or with aruino. Welding knowledge is required for this project How to deal with electricity. Be careful at any time to avoid being shocked or burned. Everything about the fixture is purchased from two websites: www. rapidled. com & www. stevesleds. The Com/attached Excel file is a breakdown of the purchase items, locations and prices. Optical elements are not in the list as they are optional, but 80 ° optical elements are used for all royal blue and neutral white LEDs. The optical system helps the light to become more directional, but can have a \"disco effect\" if not careful \". It is best to use the yard stick when drawing the guide. A 12-foot can work, but it\'s not long enough to go through the entire radiator. Using pencil marks, if an error occurs, it can be easily erased once it is done. In one of the 6 \"sides\" of the radiator, measure and Mark 1 7/8 from each corner and 3 corners. There should be 3 points ( Reference picture 1). Do the same thing to the other side. Draw 3 straight lines of the connection mark on the entire radiator. These will be your horizontal guidelines. Start with one of the 6 \"sizes\" of the radiator, measure and Mark 2 1/2. Draw a vertical line at this mark that intersects the 3 horizontal lines created before. Continue to measure and Mark every 1/2 \"until there are 7 vertical lines. A postcard is small enough to help draw an internal reference line. Note: do not permanently install the LED on the radiator before welding, temporarily place the LED on the radiator surface that matches the drawing. This allows cutting and welding wires of the appropriate length before placing the led permanently on the radiator. Our idea is to have four round LEDs. There will be a 3-per pile- Two neutral white and four royal blue LEDs. Each pile will be separated from a real Violet. Use layout ( Reference picture 1) From 3-UP LEDs. There are four- Up LED, they will be placed on the center horizontal line, evenly distributed. The first 3- UP will be at the intersection of 3 \"far left 2 1/2. Follow horizontally on the 3 \"guide line and place another 3-UP every 5\" ( Skip every 2 1/2 \"vertical guide). After the 3- Place up and place three real purple LEDs at the remaining 3 \"& 2 1/2\" intersections. Using your best judgment, with the help of the 3 \"horizontal guide line, place a white LED around each 3-UP. Try to focus these LEDs on 3- And real purple LEDs. There will be 8 Royal Blues for each 1 7/8 \"line. Spread evenly ( Use the best judgment) Complete each loop bundle. For a cleaner wiring, make sure all the LEDs rotate the same. Once satisfied with the layout, start cutting the wire and weld the led together. There will be three separate circuits that allow you to control each color group. There are two reasons for doing this: more control over the color output, and the inability of a single drive to support all the LEDs. For the maximum number of LEDs, calculate the forward voltage for each LED and divide it by the forward voltage of the driver. Example: the forward voltage of the average well 48D driver is 48 v and the forward voltage of the royal blue LEDs is 3. 0V. Split display, the driver will allow 16 royal blue LEDs. 48 / 3 = 16. Since there were only eight white LEDs on the second circuit, I decided to add two royal blue LEDs to it. Circuit 1 = 14 RB = 14 led (42V) Circuit 2 = 8 northwest, 2 RB = 10 LEDs (30V)Circuit 3 = 4x3-UP (Blue, Red, cyan) 3 True Purple = 15 LEDs (44. 66V) When soldering LEDs, do not put them on the radiator because it is designed to dissipate heat. On the first LED of each circuit, a red or white wire is used to connect to the front of the LED. Make sure the line is long enough to connect to the drive and can be shortened all the time later. Led will be welded in series ( From negative to positive These will be displayed on the led with-and +. At the end of the circuit, use a black wire to connect to the negative side of the last LED. Make sure the line is long enough to connect to the drive and can be shortened all the time later. Circuit 1: 14 royal blue LEDs in series using the first wiring diagram. Do not connect top left or bottom right ( As shown in Figure 1) Royal blue LED as this will be connected to circuit 2. After welding, you can install the circuit to the radiator with thermal paste, or connect the circuit to the drive to make sure they work properly. If you decide to test them first, be careful not to let them get hot for too long. Circuit 2: 8 Neutral White and remaining 2 royal blue LEDs in series using the second wiring diagram ( Figure 2). Start with the white LED on the far right and connect all the other white LED to make sure you connect the royal blue LED on the top left. Round and connect the white LED skipped and the Royal Blue LED in the lower right corner. The idea is to minimize how many loose wires there will be. Again, you can install the circuit to the radiator with hot paste, or connect the circuit to the drive to make sure they work properly. If you decide to test them first, be careful not to let them get hot for too long. Circuit 3: Connect 4 3-using the third wiring diagram- UP\'s and 3 real Violet in the series ( Figure 3). From 3- Skip every real Violet. Circle around and connect the real Violet. Again, you can install the circuit to the radiator using hot paste, or connect the circuit to the drive to make sure they work properly. If you decide to test them first, be careful not to let them get hot for too long. Drivers can accept 0-10V signal. Using the AC adapter of 10 v and three 10 k potentiometer, you can use- 10 V, thus darkening the drive. The higher the voltage, the brighter the LEDs. The attached wiring diagram should be everything you need to connect the potentiometer to the drive and power supply. These three drives can be connected in parallel with a 120 v ac power cord. Do not weld the LED wire to the drive wire. The red and black wires on the drive will be connected from the led to the red and black wires (red-to-red & black-to-black). Each drive will be connected to its own circuit. Adjusting SVR2 Tutorial: SVR2 located on the average well 48D needs to be adjusted to provide the appropriate amplifier to the LEDs. RapidLED has created a youtube tutorial on adjusting svr2. Here is the link to the tutorial instead of explaining it. SVR2 must be configured correctly to prevent damage and achieve optimal performance. The led should work completely at this point and be ready for installation. There are many ways to install these fixtures, and you can even purchase the installation kit from the RapidLED. These LEDs are strong and should have at least 10 above your aquarium. I\'m about 35- On the first day of 40%, increase the intensity in a few weeks to help prevent coral bleaching. The wire loom is used to tie the wires neatly. The photo shows my tank, with different circuits turned on separately and all of them turned on. The first picture is the royal blue LEDs. The second is a neutral white LED. The third is 3- UPs and purple LEDs. The fourth is all LEDs.