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how fear puts girls off pe

by:Yufengling     2019-09-19
Gracie Rowe used to be afraid of PE.
\"I was next to Tabby.
\"My personal self
Consciousness is like the devil on my shoulder, telling me I can\'t do it.
\"In fact, I have to move, be active and sweat.
\"I will stand and look unhappy.
Gracie said she didn\'t.
She was confident when she went to middle school.
She was so nervous that she tried to convince her mom that she was sick most of the time, twice --
The weekly physical education class is a special source of stress.
\"I\'m afraid people will judge me.
Because I am not satisfied with myself.
\"The school\'s sports uniform didn\'t help:\" It\'s a \'skort \'-
A pair of shorts and skirts.
It\'s tight and short.
\"All my friends hate PE classes as much as I do. \"Hayley Wood-
Hertie\'s PE teacher at John Warner School in Hartford says about half of the girls feel the same way.
The school shares the venue with the sports center, and so does the excellent facilities.
\"The range of activities we offer is quite extensive.
There is a dance room and swimming pool.
But many girls are still turned off by it.
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Older children do at least one hour of exercise a day.
But a new study of 25,000 middle school students in England and Northern Ireland shows that only 8% of girls and 16% of boys can do this in the middle school stage.
Of the Youth Sports Trust Funds and women\'s participation in sports surveys, more than 80% understand the positive importance, but almost half of the boys and nearly two
Girls in their thirties are reluctant to attend by themselves.
Research shows that lack of confidence is key.
More than 3 of the girls over the age of 14 say they feel insecure, hate other people looking at them and are themselves
Realize their body. Almost two-
They don\'t like competitive PE classes.
Gracie\'s mom and teachers realized that they had to build up her confidence in order to make sure she went to school.
Her mother brought her to a meeting with the principal.
The school put her on a healthy life program to improve her selfesteem.
At the same time, major reforms are being carried out in the school\'s sports program to encourage girls to participate in the theme.
First, skorts are replaced by black sports yoga leggings.
\"This is the kind of gym clothes for women you might wear when you go to the gym on Saturday morning.
It feels more adult, \"said MS Wood. Thompson.
Schools now also divide their sports programs into different ways so that girls and boys can choose to do more competitive outdoor sports. \"The girls-
Only in this way can people\'s confidence be improved.
\"There will be more aerobic exercise and dance in winter.
So they won\'t be turned off because it\'s raining and cold outside.
\"More sports girls accept mixed projects with less sports boys --
This could include dodgeball, football and more competitive games.
\"There is a boy in the sports boy --only programme.
Gracie Rowe chose these girls.
Only path, like it.
\"In fact, we don\'t need to show off to anyone, and we don\'t need to behave like people we\'re not.
Her confidence gradually increased.
Not only did she start to participate in sports, but she also began to enjoy sports and became friends.
\"This makes me forget what others think of me and gives me confidence in myself.
\"Now that she is 14 years old, she is no longer a tubby, she has participated in the football team at school, took dance classes, and\" has been \"in the gym.
She also joined the joint youth unit at a nearby private school, knew how the rifles worked and took part in field days and camps.
Last year, the school nominated her as the leader of the Youth Sports Trust fund girls\' positive program, which aims to address the negative physical image of girls, increase attitudes towards sports activities and make sports more relevant to them.
\"She has made the most progress I have ever seen,\" said her PE teacher . \".
\"I know that not every girl has a completely positive experience in every physical education class every day, but I hope I can encourage them to participate with enough enthusiasm.
It\'s all about relationships.
\"She hopes that the young leaders of the program will help other girls overcome the barriers to physical activity.
\"They are very eager to improve their mental health and self.
Respect of peers
\"They are really concerned about working to eliminate the stigma of being active and sweating and create a happy, supportive and relaxed environment for sports.
A variety of factors can prevent girls from becoming active, says Gracie, but you realize you don\'t have to think one way or the other.
\"I now feel the ability to influence other girls by showing them like me that there is no limit to what you can do.
\"Regardless of your body shape, age or level of ability, start where you are satisfied and break through those boundaries.
Don\'t let others hold you back.
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