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how to recognise the bad moods exercise can cause – and how to deal with them

by:Yufengling     2019-08-11
Exercise is an emotional booster, but overloading your body or mind in advance, or insufficient refueling, will make your regular happy athlete a complaining monster.
I know most of the triggers for bad temper and moody, so if you\'re a painful partner for endurance athletes or just dealing with your own mood swings, this is the user\'s guide to mood warning lights on your engine.
Grumpy: in training for large events, the temper has always been bad and grumpy, indicating that you may have gone too fartraining.
Without enough sleep, it is impossible to take a lot of training load, so this is the first corrective factor.
If you have enough sleep and are still irritable, you may need to assess if you are overdoing ittraining.
Whiney: whiness is an acute or transient
A term usually created by fear of unknown exercise or discomfort and/or pain.
This is also often due to your lack of confidence in the ability to complete the distance or complete the distance at a planned pace.
The ability to develop resilience and cope with hard training is a skill that can be learned and can eradicate mid-term trainingThe meeting groaned.
Hunger and anger are a state of unhappiness but easy remedy.
This is due to the fact that during long periods of exercise, or if you train without breakfast, the refueling is incorrect.
The pain of hitting a tearful face during a long trip or running is the red flag of hypoglycemia.
In addition to the correct refueling during exercise, fast
Restoring nutrition after a very difficult meeting is important to avoid this situation.
Princess mode: suitable for men and women, usually short
A disease caused by the beginning of a large competition or event.
Symptoms include suspected illness and being unable to do anything for myself: \"I\'m resting my legs, dear.
Can you go out and get me a bucket of glucose and a pair of compressed socks? \"Humor your athletes briefly during the race week until the gun rings. No longer.
It takes years of practice, but I have completely rooted whiness from my system.
Ironman training is an excellent treatment, and when I give in, it usually cries quietly somewhere on the conimara coast, 40 miles from home.
Like a tree that falls down in the forest, if no one hears it, it is not a real complaint.
If I feel overwhelmed, I usually correct my cranky by giving up training.
While it can\'t overcome chronic fatigue, you can never underestimate the magic power of a nap.
Greed is a state that I often fall into. it\'s my own fault.
I was good at refueling during my workout, but then I fell down and I was good at cheering.
So be sure to bring a protein recovery drink pouch that you can mix with the water in the bag as it will help you until you eat. I had a low-
Recently traveled to Hawaii and after a long workout the sugar melted because I didn\'t really plan to be fast
Restore nutrition.
As for the Princess, before the Boston Marathon, she was last seen complaining about cold bacteria and tight hip flexors, but she is now back in her box until the next big event.
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