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national no bra day: celebrate without restraint

by:Yufengling     2019-09-10
When I was in the fifth grade, I went to the Girl Scout training camp and I was a board.
I overheard one of my tent mates say, \"she\'s a carpenter\'s dream.
\"I don\'t know what she\'s talking about.
All I can think of is wood and nails.
\"I don\'t understand what she means, do I?
I asked another camper.
You don\'t have tah.
She replied.
I don\'t understand what that means.
My friend saw my confusion and tried to clarify
When she looked at my chest, she threatened, \"you don\'t have a \'girl \'. \". I looked down. Straight down.
There are no obstacles from my head to my toes. Nothing.
Not one thing, not even two small things, in my opinion.
When I was 11 years old, bazoomas avoided me.
I was sitting in bed during my free time that Sunday.
It\'s really a bed)
Write to my mother.
I remember very well the stationery: On a recent hike we peeled off a tree that was a smooth side of the bark.
Our consultants told us that people used to write letters with birch bark in the past. Dear Mom, Hi.
How are you and dad? Does Patsy [my dog]miss me?
Oh, can you send me a coach bra?
Everyone in my tent is wearing a bra and everyone is making fun of my underwear.
I also think the bra will make it easier for me in sports.
I am sure the last point will convince my mother that the time has come. And who knew?
Maybe wearing a bra will give me confidence.
Confidence in fast running (er)
When we swim for free.
I received an envelope later that week.
I know what\'s inside.
\"Wow, you got a gift today,\" said a few girls . \".
I said, \"there may be nothing . \"
But it\'s really a big deal to buy my first bra.
Although I haven\'t gotten \"my friend\" yet, the bra is a solid first step for women.
I opened the envelope after returning to the tent.
A light pink training bra is wrapped in white thin paper.
The little note my mom gave me said, \"You\'re such a big girl now.
\"I immediately backed the tent --
The companions slid the bra off my head.
The bra straps look really impressive from the back.
However, it was not impressive when I put my arms up and put on my shirt.
There is nothing to hold down the coach bra and it rises under my arm.
I thought I heard some laughter, but it was probably my imagination.
\"Yes, I started wearing bras this summer,\" I could hear the bff I told myself when I got home in August.
I\'ll try to be casual, but boy, do I think it\'s cool?
That was 40 years ago.
Now, wearing a bra is as exciting as vacuuming with your own vacuum cleaner.
So, imagine my joy when I learned that July 9 was National No Bra Day.
What exactly does this mean? For a solid 24-
After a few hours, you are free to free yourself from the range of bras, sports bras and bodice.
If someone is staring at you (
Or in your chest)
If you have any questions, say, \"Today is the day of the \'girl.
\"With the feeling of being unconstrained and ascending, you will be grateful to your mom for having you trained many months ago on this very important day.
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