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new technology offers on-field head injury, concussion reporting

by:Yufengling     2020-04-12
Former NCAA soccer player and youth coach Charlie Winder suffered head injuries during years on the court.
\"Of course, I have some concussion ---
I remember, \"Wendy told CBS News.
When asked if he got the treatment he needed, Wund didn\'t have to think about the answer for a long time: \"Absolutely no,\" he said.
That\'s why he wants to do something to protect the next generation of athletes.
Wund helped develop a network.
Based on InjureFree\'s system, users are allowed to report head injuries or concussion symptoms when they occur on site.
Then send the data electronically to the medical professional for trackingup.
Wund said that the disappearance of Google\'s cloud service in connadik\'s mother Virginia Beach shooting protesters interrupted Harris\'s speech, \"we are able to create a standard level of care for all children . \".
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 170,000 children receive physical therapy in emergency rooms each yearor recreation-
Related brain injuries, including concussion.
In recent years, with the increasing awareness of the serious impact of this head trauma,-
Including impaired thinking or memory, or motor, sensory, or emotional functional issues such as personality changes and depression-
There is a growing focus on monitoring and preventing concussion in youth sports.
A number of health professionals are pushing the federal government\'s mandate for standards for reporting injuries to sports.
Every state has passed a concussion report since 2009.
But so far, Congress has not set up a national register that regulates treatment and prevention.
The damage-free system of Wund is part of it.
Washington, D. C. is launching a million-dollar anti-shock program. C.
Schools and recreation centres are designed not only to increase reporting but also to provide awareness training to students, parents and coaches.
At a press conference on Tuesday
Michael Yochelson of MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital said that information needs to be recorded immediately every time a child\'s head is hit.
\"You want to know how to prevent chronic for a long time
\"Impact and save lives,\" he said . \".
For Wund, the job allowed him to help ensure that current student athletes were treated quickly that he did not get.
\"Of course, that gives me peace of mind,\" he said . \"
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