The trend is beautiful and refreshing.

rep. sean duffy takes on the “selfie” song

by:Yufengling     2020-04-16
The audience of his original \"Real World\" is likely to cross the middle age, reality TV star --turned-Rep.
Sean Duffy is looking for a new way to connect with young people.
His solution: the \"selfie\" song.
\"I\'m on my way to town hall --
But first, let me take a selfie, \"Wisconsin Republicans said as they adapted the pop video.
Duffy\'s impressive edit 40-
The second performance was a group photo of him with House Speaker John Boehner and Democrat Stephanie Hoyer.
Paul Ryan, governor of his hometown.
Scott Walker, even Barbara Walters, etc.
Harris Duffy interrupted Harris Duffy\'s interview with Mashable, who told Mashable that he was \"in the midst of a trend that is trying to attract my young voters.
\"They need to know that a lot of what is happening now will affect their future,\" he said . \".
\"If\" selfie \"with the SEC chairman, Steny Hoyer, or Alzheimer\'s research advocates get their attention, then it\'s worth it. Plus, it\'s fun.
\"Duffy is not the only member of Congress on the mountain to focus on popular music: last month, 74-year-old Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga.
Make Farrell Williams \"Happy \".
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