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the basics of healthy living for women by james pendergraft

by:Yufengling     2019-08-20
There is a certain foundation for women\'s healthy life.If you want to stay healthy, first keep the proper weight of your height and figure.This can be achieved through regular exercise and a balanced and healthy diet.In fact, women\'s risk of heart disease can also be greatly reduced through healthy eating and regular exercise.
The study also shows that 50% of cancer risk can be reduced by observing a diet modified to contain high fiber, less or no red meat at all, and less fat.It is also helpful to limit the intake of alcoholic beverages, strengthen exercise and quit smoking.
In addition to these essential elements of a woman\'s healthy life, women must do other things to ensure that she stays healthy every day.Including medical examinations designed specifically for women.

Women also need to do other things to maintain a healthy life, one of which is to see a gynecologist at least once a year.This is an annual medical examination and should include Pap smear tests for women who already have sex.Pap smear is very important because it is the only known screening for cervical cancer and plays an important role in reducing its incidence.
Breast X-ray and self-examination
Breast X-ray examination is also very important in women\'s lives, especially those who are already in their 40 s and 50 s.Although there is ongoing debate about the age at which women really should start an annual mammogram, many women begin to experience this when they reach middle ageforties.Self-The examination of the breasts should begin during puberty so that it has become a habit when they are adults.

1) daily calcium intake is very important for women.Not only will this prevent her from experiencing almost 50% of her pre-symptomsMenstrual Syndrome, such as cramps, mood swings and headaches, will also play an important role in preventing menopause osteoporosis.
2) wearing sunscreen every day is also an important thing for a woman when she goes to the sun.This is to ensure the health of the skin and to ensure that the skin remains elastic, smooth and soft even if she gets older.
3) practicing safe behavior all the time is another important thing for women to do in a healthy life.This means that even if she is using condoms a lot for a long timeEstablish a long-term relationship with only one partner.This is to prevent the atrophy of any sexually transmitted disease.
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