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try these laundry tips to help deodorize your gym clothes easily

by:Yufengling     2019-08-08
Going to the gym is a good way to be healthy.
But while your workout may make you feel great, it may make your gear smell nothing.
Luckily, our really simple friend suggested you could try a laundry trick to get rid of the smell and deodorant for clothes in the gym.
First, rinse your clothes in the sink of the gym.
Then unscrew the excess water and put the clothes in a plastic bag.
Finally, just launder according to the tag.
Girls going to sports also recommend spraying problematic areas with white vinegar before washing to help fight the smell and prevent yellow stains.
These two tips are very helpful if you want to prevent the smell left after exercise.
Also, they are easy to understand and we can appreciate this because who is willing to spend a lot of time removing the smell after spending an hour at the gym?
Click on our slide to see more great cleaning tips.
Be sure to move towards real simplicity and more information about girls going to sports.
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